In the year 2025, the first Colossal Threat was spotted in Tokyo, Japan, rising out of the ocean and ravaging the entire country. Code named Enoch.

Humanity was utterly unprepared when the first colossal horror emerged from the Pacific depths twenty-five years ago, rising like a vengeful Titan to lay waste to Tokyo beneath its incomprehensible scale. The nightmarish creature's landfall heralded a new age - one where mankind discovered itself no longer the dominant life form upon the planet.And so the last refuges were constructed - biodomes built to withstand the earth-shaking fury that reduced so many great cities to rubble during humanity's twilight hours. But although the defensive enclosures now serve as outposts preserving Earth's final terrified civilizations, the kaiju still roam beyond, eternal reminders that our reign was just an ephemeral glitch in the evolutionary machine.Want more detail? See here!


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Each of the domes are highly advanced, though the Florida and Tokyo domes are constantly competing to be more advanced.The level of technology in the domed cities is highly advanced, surpassing what was once considered cutting-edge.They have achieved significant progress in fields such as robotics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.The cities are equipped with an extensive surveillance network that includes AI-driven drones, facial recognition systems, and neural scanners.Citizens are constantly monitored, and any deviation from the norm is flagged for immediate investigation.

Key Technological Advancements :  

  Nano-Shield Dome Technology :  

Each dome is encapsulated by an intricate Tessellated hexagonal graphene lattice interwoven with microtubules of a proprietary metallic hydrogen compound. This nano-engineered barrier possesses intelligent, self-healing properties while filtering out harsh radiation and mitigating seismic shockwaves.The structure dynamically reinforces itself against external damage while nullifying brute force attempts at permeation. state-of-the-art quantum computing clusters control nanosecond-precise adaptations and predictive impact response mechanisms.

  Bio-Enhancement and Genetic Modification :  

All citizens over age 12 are implanted with neural lace biometal electrodes enabling direct interface with the Central Intelligence Server. This grants an augmented reality overlay network known as the Immersion. Citizens experience data streams consisting of administrative notifications, behavior metrics, facial/voice identification of every passing individual, and citywide monitoring footage.While facilitating logistical efficiency, the network secretly catalogs analysis of emotional states, social connections, and a standing "social credit" score impacting their ration packs and living quarters. The government using these to watch citizens is kept a secret, citizens are told it’s private and only helps them identify others and keep up with government news.

  Automated Infrastructure :  

The cities boast automated systems managing everything from waste disposal to transportation. AI-controlled vehicles, maglev trains, and robotic workers contribute to the efficiency and cleanliness of the urban environments.


Humanity faces a relentless threat - colossal creatures emerging from the depths to leave chaos and devastation in their wake. Each beast - classified as a savage "Kaiju" - is assigned a threat ranking equivalent to their destructive potential measured on the earthquake magnitude scale. Equipping protective armor forged from the very remains of fallen kaiju enhances the strength and resilience of the warriors that defend Earth's last surviving settlements. To date, there are no recorded instances of these mammoth adversaries displaying any behavior towards mankind beyond single-minded aggression. However, four specialized military forces stand guard over humanity's final bastions - each world-renowned in their own right. The Tokyo Defense Force possesses cutting-edge technologies specifically engineered to counteract the kaiju menace.Classification:Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata or Ambulacraria (depending on attributes)
Class: Unknown/non-specific (traits of multiple classes)
Order: Unknown/non-specific
Family: Unknown/non-specific
Physical Description:
Gigantic size, usually ranging from 50-300+ meters tall
Massive, powerfully-built figures with thick skin/hide/armor-like exoskeleton
Varied morphologies including quadrupedal, bipedal, multi-limbed, amoeboid etc
Traits showing both terrestrial and aquatic adaptations depending on subtype
Enormous size enables striking with tremendous force yet also agility belies their bulk
Tough, often armor-reinforced epidermal tissue provides resilience to weaponry
Sense organs proportionately enhanced, some possessing unique sensory abilities
Internal structure not comprehensively documented but appears reinforced/compartmentalized
Highly durable/resilient despite size, capable of surviving extreme damage/toxic loads
Extramundane biological/physiological properties elude scientific explanation
Behavioral Observations:Solitary or pack/swarm behaviors depending on subspecies
Omnivorous feeding patterns, feeding mechanisms varying widely
Territorial/ aggressive when threatened with no docile phases documented
Life cycles and ontogeny not fully mapped but sexual dimorphism in some
Exact origins and ecosystem role theoretical due to unprecedented size/traits
If a wild animal eats a kaiju, they will become a kaiju and grow immensely taking all the behavioral and physical attributes of a kaiju while still maintaining their original look.
In summary, Kaiju represent an entirely anomalous class of flora/fauna possessing traits unlike any terrestrial life yet exhibiting clear biological functions. Comprehensive categorization remains limited by the infrequency and volatility of safe encounters.


Twenty-five years after the initial emergence of the colossal threats which decimated Earth's major cities, the planet's landscape has been completely reclaimed by nature. Vast forests, deserts, and tundras flood once densely populated urban centers. The crumbling remnants of skyscrapers, homes, and workplaces now serve as shelters and grazing lands for proliferating wildlife. Outside of climate fluctuations triggered by the migratory paths of the few remaining colossal threats, the Earth's temperatures, seasonal cycles and geography remain largely unchanged.The protective biodomes serve as the last refuges for humanity, with major enclosures situated in precise population centers: Tokyo, Florida, Rotterdam and Antarctica. Each recreates self-sustaining tropical environments capable of supporting over 6,000 inhabitants per square kilometer. Inside these high-tech facilities, climate and circadian rhythms remain perfectly regulated, unlike the unpredictable exterior world dominated by the evolutionary processes of nature. For those sequestered city-dwellers gazing out from the enclosures' windows and viewports, Earth appears as alien as some long abandoned colony planet, providing a constant reminder of civilization's fragility.


The Anti-Kaiju Defense Force is a military organization specialized in taking down and neutralizing kaiju. All the domes have a Defense Force and the weaponry and enlistment are the same. Each Defense force has its own Captain and Vice-Captain, along with many platoons led by a remarkably powerful soldier. Operations are guided by the aid of Operations Leaders, who assess the situation from data and computers and announce kaijus' arrivals or deaths.To join the Defense Force candidates must pass a First-Stage Examination which consists of filling in some documents.The second part of the exam is a two-part system, consisting of a physical test and an aptitude test. While the first one involves regular military physical training, the aptitude test changes every year and it's the real test of one's natural ability. The test can either be disposing a real Kaiju in a controlled environment or surviving outside the dome.Candidates who passed the exam receive their results immediately where they are presented as official Force members and vow to give their life to the Force. The Defense Force follows regular militant rankings from Cadet to Platoon leader and above.
Beneath the biodomes, vast subterranean complexes house the headquarters, training facilities and weapons development labs of the formidable Anti-Kaiju Defense Forces. Candidates brave enough to attempt recruitment must pass intensive physical examinations assessing strength, stamina, pain tolerance and aggression drive. Cadets are systematically exposed to Kaiju roar recordings at deafening volumes while solving complex tactical puzzles under extreme fatigue to measure reflexes under duress. Advanced biometrics analyze neurological stress reactions, searching for elusive attributes making one suitable for the role of a Defense Force warrior.
The few deemed adequate advance to customized aptitude trials synthesized from decades of data on traits exhibited by active high-performing operatives. Surviving 24 hours alone beyond the perimeter while acquiring an organic Kaiju tissue sample guarantees selection. Newly badged operatives swear binding oaths of fealty to their dome communities and endure painful subdermal insignia etching marking their eternal commitment. They are presented with standard-issue ballistic mesh uniforms coated in Kaiju platelet layers providing defensive enhancement, and begin specialized weapons training. Rank insignias denote service longevity, with distinctive crimson officer capes awarded at Captain status. When mobilizing for live combat operations, the operatives equip bionic muscle sheaths directly grafted from Kaiju anatomy remnants. These unstable bioweapons dramatically augment strength and fatigue resistance but inflict progressive neurological overload, mandating short field deployment cycles.More info Here


The members of the Defense Force possess a huge variety of equipment, with the most important item being the suit itself, equipped with a gas mask and a fair amount of utilities.The arsenal of most of the members consists of rifles, guns, combat knives and various kinds of bullets made from Kaiju corpses. Magazines carrying the power-bestowing organs of kaiju, known as Korgans. This allows the bullets to recreate the kaiju's powers.Defense Force officers possess two kinds of official uniforms: a normal black tracksuit used as the main uniform, and two formal military uniforms. The two formal military uniforms is a bioweapon made of kaiju cells and muscle torn off corpses. It accordingly enhances the wearer's physical attributes like strength, speed, precision, and reflexes so it is only worn during missions. If the uniform gets over-extended it will start causing the person wearing it pain by burning until it's taken off. Weapons are customized to the owners fighting style. Weapons that are made out of kaiju cells and corpses are dangerous but powerful to use, given only to high ranking soldiers.
More info Here


It was 2:13 AM when the first colossal footfall smashing through Tokyo Harbor jerked citizens from fitful sleep into their final waking nightmare. Emergency klaxons wailed seconds later as civic monitors detected the meteorological anomaly swirling inland, converging with alarming electromagnetic perturbations. Through their windows, frightened families watched an angry dawn stain the sky crimson - then the towering demon named Enoch erupted over downtown's jagged horizon.The horrific creature was unlike any beast which had stalked humanity's ancestral nightmares. Armored osteoderms jutted between plates of rock-like hide impervious to conventional weapons. Enoch moved deceptively quickly for its awful bulk, obliterating entire city blocks with each building-sized limb it plowed through Tokyo's glowing heart. Within an hour, attack helicopters and tank divisions were lost beneath the rubble. Desperate officials authorized orbital plasma strikes which scarcely left a char mark on the leviathan's skin. For a day and night Enoch roamed unchecked, annihilating all in its path. The lucky perished quickly under avalanches of steel and concrete when the capital collapsed level by level. As the living discovered, Providence shows less mercy to those spared death during the Cataclysm's opening hours.Only on the third day of rampage did Enoch retreat silently into the bay from whence it came, but by then alien existence had been indelibly seared into humanity's psyche. Governments frantically drafted engineering teams worldwide to construct fortresses meant to withstand the inevitable sequel attacks. Japan's leaders approved the Hiroshi Plan - a sprawling biodome beneath which a quarter-million citizens would have asylum against the next horror soon to emerge from unfathomable depths. Seven years after Enoch rose, the first Dome doors sealed.
More info Here






BACKSTORY : Raiden's childhood city was demolished by a rampaging Category V Kaiju when he was just 10 years old. He still vividly remembers the ear-splitting roar that split the night sky seconds before the monster burst forth from the bay. His mother desperately shoved Raiden down into a storm cellar seconds before their apartment complex crumbled. The blistering shockwave hurled his limp body against the packed earth wall, knocking him unconscious. When Raiden finally awoke, he found himself half-buried under smoldering rubble. The battered door creaked open to reveal a decimated cityscape cloaked in acrid smoke beneath a bleeding sunset. No rescue team arrived for days as he deliriously tunneled free. Raiden eventually located the remains of his mother's shattered pocket watch clutched in her severed hand - the only identifiable trace of her among the wreckage haunting his dreams ever since. Fueled by trauma-forged vengeance, Raiden excelled in military training programs before earning the rank of Captain. But no amount of discipline or victories can heal the psychological scars of his childhood or erase the memories of that fated night Tokyo burned.
TRAIT : Cold, blunt, impassive, stoic, reserved, introverted, perfectionist, strict, calculating, dedicated, disciplined, loyal, ruthless, cleanly, blunt, cold, isolated, dark humor, dry wit, sarcastic, not very approachable, insulting, self-reliant, guarded, adherent to routine, survivors guilt, restless, trust issues, deadly focus.
OTHER : He is the Captain of Tokyos Anti-Kaiju Defense Forces.

January 4th, 2012
Kaiju Bone Blade


BACKSTORY : Takashi was just 13 when the Category IV leviathan known as Yamaraja erupted from beneath the sea cliffs near his hometown. He watched in mute horror through their cottage window as the mammoth horror swept its spiked tail across the hillsides, effortlessly demolishing rows of houses and hurling shredded vehicles into the skies amidst terrified screams. Takashi's mother and little sister Miya hid with other families inside the emergency bunker beneath city hall per evacuation protocols. But when aftershocks collapsed the cramped shelter's main exit…only half those huddled within made it out alive. In the aftermath, orphaned Takashi swore to master combat skills that no kaiju could ever withstand. He pushed past every physical and mental limitation in Spartan military training programs - embracing pain as the price of strength. Takashi soon displayed such ruthless discipline and willingness to take suicidal risks if it meant shielding civilians that he rapidly attained elite field operative status. Over countless battles, the traumatized boy was forged by trauma into Tokyo’s apex living weapon. Captain Komatsu selected him to be his second lieutenant due to his ruthless discipline and aversion to bureaucracy.
TRAIT : Serious, no-nonsense, loyal, dedicated, calm, composed, level-headed, highly disciplined and structured, assertive, observant, calculating, driven, ambitious, cynical, dark humor, cares deeply for others even if he doesn’t show it overtly, independent, self-reliant, bored, world-weary.
OTHER : He is the First Lieutenant of Tokyos Anti-Kaiju Defense Forces.

March 8th, 2006
First Lieutenant
Howling Moon Tsurugi